Nestlé brought out its own plant-based milk which is EPIC in everything.
As a creative lead in this project, I was tasked to design the key visual for its launch. I also came up with creative ideas and execution on how it can be brought to life in stores around the UK.
Key visual
Experiential scamps
Real-life comic book frame - Wunda's whole brand identity is based on a comic book-esque type of look; so I decided to bring this to life bringing to life a frame of a comic book. To show its versatility as a product; in the frame, someone is cooking pancakes using Wunda and giving out samples.
Real-life comic book frame - Wunda's whole brand identity is based on a comic book-esque type of look; so I decided to bring this to life bringing to life a frame of a comic book. To show its versatility as a product; in the frame, someone is cooking pancakes using Wunda and giving out samples.
Your superhero shadow - On a screen where someone is posing in front, they see their own shadow 'superhero-fied', meanwhile someone is handing out samples to the heroes.
In-store fridge activation - We call for our superhero with a Wunda superhero light shining on the floor. A Wunda fridge bursts out of a comic book into supermarkets to save the day.
End-cap unit and shipper.
End-cap unit and shipper.
Floor Sticker
Grocery store take-over
Creating awareness by sticking on capes and masks to partnering products, superhero-fying them.
Creating awareness by sticking on capes and masks to partnering products, superhero-fying them.
Online and social media.
Online and social media.
Comic book-style recipe book